why are Calathea leaves can be curved?

Why Are My Calathea Leaves Curling? (Reasons & Solutions)

The leaves of the calathea tree have inherent flexibility and expressiveness. They’ll snuggle close at night to save energy and lean over to follow the sun during the day. 

You’ll notice that your Calathea leaves often change positions throughout the day. It’s something you’ll get used to in no time! 

It’s a cause for concern when the outer edges start rolling up on themselves. 

Usually, when plants want to protect their leaves, they respond by doing this. It’s a way for them to conserve energy, retain moisture, and shield themselves from scorching.

As a result, calathea plants often have issues with leaf curl. Finding the root cause of the problem and fixing it is paramount. 

In the case of these widespread houseplants, however, prevention is also the best cure. 

So, in this article, we discussed the most likely causes of leaf curl on calathea.

We invite you to be with us, learn “Why Are My Calathea Leaves Curling?” and be familiar with the solution.

Shortage of water

(8) Reasons & solutions of leaves curl on calathea

  1. There are numerous reasons to cultivate clothes, but the most compelling has to be the beauty of clothes leaves. 
  2. Their leaves have been likened to paintings for their elaborate designs and the maroon or burgundy coloration on the underside.
  3. Peacock, cathedral window, rattlesnake, zebra, and prayer plants are just a few of the titles given to these plants because of their distinctive foliage.
  4. Calatheas are easily kept alive and thriving inside with the correct conditions. When clothes are enormous, luscious leaves begin to curl. However, they need special care, much like any other houseplant. There is no one reason for this widespread problem. 

Examine your plant and think about how you’ve been treating it to determine which of the causes of curled leaves in clothes is most probable. We will explain below:

  1. Shortage of water

  • Calatheas express their displeasure by curling their leaves. A lack of water is a significant contributor to this dissatisfaction, and it is the first and most important reason your calathea leaves are curling.
  • If a Calathea plant is watered, the leaves will curl inward rather than outward as a survival mechanism. 
  • These plants thrive in continually wet soil, which should be left to dry out between waterings. A curling pattern may form if you water it at least that.
  • Calatheas benefit from frequent watering via the drainage holes at the bottom of their containers. 
  • Allow the plant to soak in water from the bottom of the pot for about half an hour by placing it in a sink or pail of water.
  • To ensure the soil is moist and to flush the dirt after each watering, you may need to add water from above. 
  • Water the plant, but avoid getting water on the leaves. If the humidity is high, this promotes the spread of leaf spots.
  1. Subpar water quality

  • Some plant species are negatively impacted when they are watered with tap water with additional minerals, chlorine, fluoride, and salts, and the calathea is one such species.
  • Calathea leaves curling inward indicate that your plants are dissatisfied with the tap water you’ve been giving them. 
  • As salt accumulates in the soil, you can also see the tips becoming dark. Try switching to filtered or distilled water or collecting rainwater for better results. Leaving water out for a day or two might help dilute the chlorine taste before you drink it.
  • To remove surplus salt from the soil, fill the container to the top with warm water and empty it down the drain. To thoroughly remove the salts from the ground, you may need to repeat this process many times.
  1. Mistaken temperature

  • The third reason we can mention calathea leaves curling is a temperature range from 60°F to 85°F. The plant leaves will curl inward if the temperature drops below a certain point. 
  • This includes situations where air conditioning or open windows create chilly or dry breezes. If you suspect the plant’s poor health is due to its location, you should check the ambient temperature there.
  • When the temperature outside is dangerously low or high, bring your Calatheas inside. Temperature fluctuations are hazardous to the growth of your plants.

Mistaken temperature

  1. Overfertilization

A balanced fertilizer applied every two months throughout the growth season helps clothes thrive. But if you use too much, the clothes leaves will curl.

If you over-fertilize your clothes, you risk drying out and harming their roots. This eventually makes the leaves dry, curl, and become brittle.

Try washing the soil until the water draining from the holes is clean to eliminate surplus minerals. Hold off on fertilizing the plant for a few months to allow it time to recuperate.

  1. Low humidity

  • A Calathea without enough humidity will not grow. These plants draw moisture from the air via their broad leaves. Therefore, a lack of humidity causes the calathea leaves to curl and become yellow. The leaves may also have a harsh or brittle feel, and their edges break easily.
  • Apply a quick burst of moisture to your Calathea’s leaves by misting them. If the leaves are fragile, use a spray bottle and adjust the pressure to the lowest level.
  • Two to four hours of moisture may be provided via misting. Although it is not a permanent fix, spraying a calathea daily may help bring it back to life while the humidity in its habitat is adjusted.
  • Next, determine how to maintain the highest possible humidity levels around your calathea. Humidifiers are a fantastic option; a desktop humidifier will fit nicely next to them if you have a few little plants. The humidifier may be turned on and off to generate the ideal atmosphere.
  • Many Calathea owners would immerse stones or peat moss in water to provide the best environment for their plants. Humidity will build up during the day as the water evaporates. 
  • As long as the water in the pool is kept away from the plant’s roots, this technique should offer adequate humidity for your plant to thrive. Keep the water clean so that germs can’t develop in it.

Low humidity

  • Lastly, Calatheas and other prayer plants thrive in terrariums, bottle gardens, and other enclosed spaces. 
  • Putting a plastic bag over your Calathea can temporarily achieve the same effect by capturing the humidity in the air. Keep an eye out for condensation to form, and let the bag breathe at least once a day.
  1. Watering so much

  • Calatheas are sensitive to too little or too much water, and poor drainage is usually blamed. They want soil that is damp but not soggy. 
  • Water should flow freely through the drainage holes and not pool in trays or on top of pot covers. So overwatering is the other reason we can ask, “Why are your calathea leaves curling?”
  • Root rot can be caused by abundant water for several reasons, including poor drainage and improper watering schedules. Curling, yellowing, and withering are all signs of stress exacerbated by this circumstance.
  • The plant’s base may also become black if the condition is severe. If that’s the case, you should repot it into a container with better drainage, such as perlite or coconut coir. Remove the infected roots to stop the disease from spreading.
  1. Too much sunlight

When it comes to sunlight, Calathea’s lush leaves are very delicate. They like indirect sunlight since they can’t stand being in the full sun. So be careful that too much sunlight can be the reason for calathea leaves curling.

Plants will coil up to shade themselves and retain moisture when exposed to too much sunshine. The areas of the leaves that are directly exposed to the light will likewise fade and become brown.

Relocating the plant to a darker spot is a simple solution. It shouldn’t be pitch black, just far enough away from the light to avoid harm. The plant will recover if you remove the burned or damaged leaves in a few days.

Too much sunlight

  1. Conscious & natural moving 

The leaves of clothes will move gently throughout the day and night. This is a measure used to extend the life of the power plant. 

Some others may sway more than others, and the leaves of others will fold inward at night, revealing their undersides when the sun comes up.

At first glance, this may seem like a sign of tension or discontent on the part of the plant, as seen by the curled leaves. 

This is normal; you should be worried if your plant isn’t collapsing at night. Because clothes are houseplants, their leaves may become huge. Thus, this becomes more apparent as the plants mature.

The final words

Calatheas are fantastic plants with various colors and patterns on their leaves that you can’t settle for just one! 

You can address any of the problems on this list quickly to keep your plants healthy and beautiful for the rest of their lives.

We hope this guide has helped you determine why your Calathea’s leaves are curling. 

After reading this article, we want you to share your thoughts about Calathea leaves curling and share your ideas in the comment section. 

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