What is propagating a chinese money?

What Are the Different Ways to Propagate Chinese Money?

Today, in this article, we are here to talk about such amazing and special plants for all fans of planting and growing flowers.

Have you heard of the Pilea peperomioides?

This plant is also known as the Chinese Money Plant. It’s such a cool houseplant that many love because it looks unique and is easy to care for. 

Did you know this plant is originally from the Yunnan province in China? It’s amazing how it has become so popular in homes worldwide. 

People can’t resist its beautiful circular leaves and adorable growth habit. This introduction will dive into the fascinating world of Pilea peperomioides. 

We’ll explore its history, talk about different ways to propagate Chinese money, how to take care of it and uncover the reasons behind its cool nicknames. 

So, let’s get started to learn that the Chinese Money Plant is fascinating and will catch your attention!

The practical methods for the propagation of Pilea peperomioides

  • Interestingly, several plants can be grown from only one Pilea peperomioides. Did you know that?
  • If your Pilea is healthy and fully grown, you may notice numerous baby plantlets sprouting from the main stem or even popping up randomly from the soil within a few weeks or months of getting your new plant.
  • These little sprouts are sometimes referred to as “pups,” which is an interesting fact in and of itself.
  • After you’ve successfully propagated it, you may give the offspring to friends and family to continue the Pilea lineage. And if you’d rather not share them, they’re all yours to add to your growing Pileas collection.
  • Indeed, propagating a Chinese money plant is a breeze! You can share offsets and cuttings with your friends and family, grow your Pilea army, or sell them!
  • Sure, we’ll give you all the details on propagating Chinese money plants. Just keep reading!
  • Method one: Growing new plants from pieces of old rhizomeThe simplest and most practical way to propagate Chinese money plants is to grow new plants from pieces of the old rhizome method.
  • A healthy Pilea plant can produce multiple baby plants in just a few weeks, and it’s pretty amazing! It is interesting that these babies even have their root systems.
  • Once you see that your pile’s root offsets have grown many leaves, it’s time to remove them.

The practical methods for the propagation of Pilea peperomioides

(5) steps to growing new plants from pieces of old rhizome

  • First step: Carefully separate the young Pilea from its mother by digging around it (about an inch deep) with your fingertips.
  • Second step: To get to the young plants’ roots, you may need to remove the whole plant from its container.
  • Third step: Separate the seedlings by cutting them apart with a clean knife. The rhizome and roots may be separated from the main stem by cutting it about an inch (2.5cm) from the bottom. It’s not a good idea to yank them up by their roots.
  • Fourth step: Because the seedlings already have a root system, place them in tiny pots with a potting mix that drains properly.
  • Fifth step: They should only wait a few weeks before showing signs of fresh root development and subsequent leaf growth.
  • Method two: Plant multiplication using stem cuttings.

(5) steps to growing new plants from pieces of old rhizome

Tiny Pilea babies, timidly emerging from their mother plant’s stem, have the power to soften even the hardest of hearts. These will emerge from the central stem of your Chinese money plant.

These babies, also called stem offsets, can be removed once they are big enough to survive on their own using the following steps to propagate Chinese money plants:

(5) steps to plant multiplication using stem cuttings

  • First step: Carefully cut off the stem offsets from the mother plant using a clean, sharp knife without cutting into the main stem.
  • Second step: Rooting the excised plantlets in water or soil and waiting for them to establish roots is necessary since they do not have their root system.
  • Third step: The roots should be at least one inch long before being planted in the soil after being rooted in water. This might take two to four weeks, depending on the conditions (light, temperature).
  • Fourth step: If you plant your Pilea cuttings in soil, you’ll know they’ve established themselves when they produce new leaves.
  • Method three: Propagation of the Main Stem

(5) steps to plant multiplication using stem cuttings

Stem propagation is an excellent choice to reduce the height and legginess of your Chinese money plant.

This solves the problem of waiting forever for a plantlet to grow, making your parent plant smaller again.

So, you can start by cutting the main stem of your Pilea using a sharp and clean blade.

After that, you have two options: 

  1. You can plant the stem cutting in the soil or the Chinese money plant. 
  2. Also, propagate Chinese money plants in water. 
  3. In our experience, using water propagation is effective for larger stem cuttings. It helps prevent wilting and keeps them well-hydrated while they grow new roots.
  4. Indeed, if you’re propagating in water, it’s best to wait until the roots are a few inches long before transferring the plant to the soil. 
  5. This will give the plant a better chance of establishing itself when you pot it. It might take around 4-6 weeks, but it’s worth being patient to ensure your plant stays healthy.

How to take care of your newly propagated Chinese money plant?

Even while it’s relatively easy to propagate Chinese money plants, the young plants need additional care if you want them to grow well.

But no need to stress! Even if you think you’re not the best at taking care of plants, your baby Pileas will most likely thrive as long as you remember these few things:

  1. The Best time to root Pilea Peperomioides.

You’ll be excited to see those adorable little pups on your Pilea for the first time.

But hold your horses and try to contain your excitement. It’s best to wait until the babies are around 2 to 3 inches tall before you separate them from the mother plant.

The best time to propagate Chinese money plants is in early spring, but you can do it whenever you want. Just remember to give some extra care to the baby plants.

How to take care of your newly propagated Chinese money plant?

  1. Pot essentials.

Avoid using too big a pot when planting baby Chinese money plants. Using a pot that’s too large can make it easier to overwater the plant and cause root rot. So, it’s best to choose a pot that’s just the right size.

If you have a pup about 2-3 inches tall, you’ll want to find a mini pot that’s around 2 inches in size.

It’s best if the pot has one or two drainage holes. When you decide to repot, go up one or two sizes.

  1. Proper soil formula for a new Pilea.
  • When it comes to Pilea pups (or even mature Pileas), it’s a good idea to go for a potting mix that drains well.
  • Definitely! Mixing in some perlite, coarse sand, or gravel with your regular potting soil works like a charm.
  • Consider using a succulent or cactus potting mix. They’re great choices to propagate Chinese money plants because they drain well and don’t retain too much moisture.
  • To reduce the possibility of overwatering and root rot, ensure the container you put the young Pilea in is manageable.
  • For a little pup that’s only 2-3 inches tall, a cute 2-inch mini pot with one or two drainage holes would be perfect! When you decide to repot, go up one or two sizes.

Proper soil formula for a new Pilea.

  1. Brightness & an appropriate amount of humidity.

Keep your newly propagated Pileas in a spot with bright, indirect light. They’ll thrive in that kind of environment!

You should pick a windowsill with lots of bright light, but be careful not to expose the plant to too much direct sunlight.

It can harm the leaves and leave brown scorch marks. Keeping them in a shady spot slows down their growth and makes it much more likely that they won’t propagate successfully.

Oh, when it comes to humidity, Pileas love it! They thrive in humid conditions.

Humidity above 50% keeps your plants’ foliage healthy and vibrant! Pilea peperomioides, Chinese money plants, is a great choice for a terrarium! Just keep in mind that they might outgrow the space eventually.

  1. Timetable for Watering.
  • Pilea plants enjoy having moist soil, but you want to make it smooth. Let the top layer of soil dry out completely before you water it.
  • Be careful not to overwater those baby plants! If the soil gets too saturated, it can cause the little roots to rot, and that’s no good. Make sure the soil drains well so they stay happy and healthy.
  • Have you ever wondered why a Pilea plant propagated in the soil can be overwatered while the one propagated in water seems to thrive without issues? Does this even make sense to you? That’s great! It turns out that oxygen is the key factor, not water.
  • Definitely! Roots need oxygen for respiration; lucky for them, water is a great source of oxygen.
  • When you use water for propagation, the oxygen from the air goes into the water and keeps it fresh. It’s like a natural way of replenishing the water as you use it.
  • When the soil is waterlogged, the roots run out of oxygen quickly, and there’s no way to get more.
  • When the air spaces in the soil get filled with water, it is difficult for oxygen from the air to reach the soil and replace the oxygen used.
  • Over time, the roots suffocate, and then root rot starts to happen. If you want your Pilea plantlets to stay healthy and keep growing, it’s a good idea to water them less and use soil that drains well. This will help prevent root rot and keep them thriving.

What are the Common Challenges of Chinese money plant propagation?

Following the propagation of Pileas, plant parents often experience the following problems:

  • Discoloration and curling of the leaves.

Curling leaves on the underside of a recently propagated pilea plant might indicate that the plant is receiving too much water. Leaves turning brown or withering might indicate root disease or overwatering.

However, suppose the little plant’s top leaves curl inwards or become brownish. In that case, it is probably being subjected to abrupt variations in temperature (which is likely if put in front of heaters or air conditioners).

What are the Common Challenges of Chinese money plant propagation?

  • Sagging leaves

After propagation, the limp leaves on your Chinese money plants might indicate a watering issue. It’s usually underwatering that causes drooping, but sometimes, overwatering can also make plants droop.

Let’s look at the soil and see how you’ve been taking care of your plant to help it perk up again.

  • Leaves with discolored scars.

If you see any discolored scars on your plant’s leaves after Chinese money plant propagation, especially during the winter season, it’s a sign that your plant is feeling cold and asking you to move it to a warmer room. By the way, Pileas really can’t stand temperatures below 50°F.


Producing many plants quickly with Pilea peperomioides propagation is easy and enjoyable.

Chinese money plants are great plants for beginners who want to try propagating. Plus, you can share the fruits of your labor as gifts for your loved ones!

If you want to become a pro at caring for houseplants, including learning about propagation, you should read our site.

It’s got all the tips and tricks you need! Sure, we can assist you in growing stunning houseplants that will stay healthy and vibrant for years.

We’ll also teach you how to recognize and resolve issues before they harm your plants.

Finally, we want to hear from you, and you feel free to share all your ideas and experiences. In this case, also, we can ask any question you have about ways to propagate Chinese money.

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