Jaffa Orange Tree

The Jaffa orange tree, also known as the Shamouti, is a variety of orange that produces very few seeds and has a thick skin that remains intact during transportation. Arab farmers developed this particular orange in the 19th century. It acquired its name from Jaffa, a renowned city for exporting oranges known for their ample sweetness and juiciness. The most remarkable feature of this orange tree is its resistance to pests, making it a favored fruit among farmers. If you want to learn more about this delicious fruit, continue reading.

Characteristics of Jaffa Orange

Characteristics of Jaffa Orange:

  • These oranges, also known as Shamouti, are almost seedless and have a distinctive flavor described as “excellent,” “sweet,” and “fine.”
  • Navel oranges and bitter oranges are other varieties grown in the same region, Iran.
  • Jaffa oranges have an oval shape and a thick, deep orange peel that is easy to remove. Their tough skin makes them suitable for export.
  • While these oranges do not produce much juice and taste does not become bitter quickly, they can be stored for an extended period.
  • Unlike other orange varieties, this variety of oranges can grow in cool temperatures. However, they are susceptible to a fungus called Alternaria, which can affect their production.

Jaffa Orange History:

The history of this variety dates back to the mid-19th century when an Arab farmer cultivated it. This orange tree results from a mutation in Baladi oranges, first occurring in Israel near Jaffa. Hence, the name Jaffa became iconic. The Jaffa variety is a hybrid citrus that crosses Baladi and sweet orange varieties. Citrus exports to Europe experienced significant growth during the 1850s as citrus cultivation advanced through the introduction of more sophisticated methods.

Jaffa Orange History

Health Benefits of Jaffa Orange:

These oranges contain high levels of vitamin C, vitamins A, and B1, protein, fat, calcium, fiber, and potassium. These nutrients provide various health benefits, such as:

  • Prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  • Reduce the severity of cold symptoms.
  • Lower the risk of strokes.
  • Protect cells from damage.
  • Reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Ensure healthy skin, bones, blood vessels, and cartilage.
  • Possess anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.
  • Protect the body from heart disease and cancer.
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Improv brain function.

To enhance the taste of Jaffa oranges, you can pair them with iron-rich foods. If you find their taste unsatisfactory, add some honey or sugar. However, it’s essential to be mindful of excessive sugar consumption, which can have adverse health effects.

Health Benefits of Jaffa Orange

Pests and Diseases of the Shamouti Variety:

Shamouti oranges can be affected by fungal diseases like Alternaria, as well as pest mites, including:

  • Eutetranychus banksi (Texas citrus mite)
  • Tetranychus Mexicanus (Tetranychid)
  • Phyllocoptruta Oleivora (rust mite)

Alternaria is a fungus that causes hay fever and allergies in humans. It leads to Alternaria rot disease, which affects citrus fruits, causing rust or rot. This disease typically appears after citrus harvest and is often found in storage areas. Pest mites can damage the leaves of the trees, negatively impacting production and manifesting as rust-like bites that hinder tree growth. These oranges are also prone to unpredictable high-yield and low-yield fluctuations.

Harvest Time of Jaffa Trees

Harvest Time of Jaffa Trees:

The citrus season spans from November to March, with the Jaffa variety being considered mid-season fruits that typically mature during spring and summer. Unfortunately, these trees are susceptible to alternate bearing, meaning their yield fluctuates and is seldom consistent from year to year.

Uses of Shamouti Oranges:

Due to their low juice content, these oranges are unsuitable for making orange juice. However, they can be used for other purposes, such as fresh salads, Jaffa cakes, fruit salads, orange jam, chocolate orange truffles, and Jaffa marmalade. Additionally, you can utilize leftover orange peels instead of discarding them. Boiling orange peels in water with added sugar can create a garnish with beneficial nutrients.

Uses of Shamouti Oranges

Final words of Jaffa or Shamouti Orange:

These oranges are famous for their low juice content and sweet taste. Their ability to withstand shipping conditions makes them an excellent choice for exportation. This article has provided information about this orange tree, and we hope you find it helpful. Have you ever tasted Jaffa oranges in your region? How did their taste compare to other oranges? Share your thoughts in the comments section.


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