Features of Lavender Tree care

Lavender Tree Care (All You Should Know)!

An impressive plant, Lavender is a member of the Lamiaceae family, which is ideal for planting outdoors or in a pot. It has become one of the most loved plants among gardeners and people.

It does not require high maintenance and is resistant to pests. They can attract pollinators because of their fragrant and vibrant purple flowers.

Although Lavender can grow without maintenance, you should know how to care for Lavender trees to grow well.

If you want to plant a lavender tree in your garden, adhere to some tips to provide reliable care.

Lavender Tree Care (All You Should Know)!

Are a Lavender Tree & a Jacaranda Tree the same?

  •  This tree is different from the Jacaranda tree. The lavender tree is a shrub with elongated leaves and fragrant purple flowers, while the Jacaranda tree is a tall, fast-growing tree with fern-like leaves and clusters of purple flowers.
  • This tree is native to the Mediterranean region and grows mainly in a temperate climate; the USDA hardiness zone of the lavender tree ranges from 5 to 9.
  • There are two main lavender varieties, English and French, and only the English variety can withstand extreme cold. However, French hybrids can also survive in zone 5.

Are a Lavender Tree & a Jacaranda Tree the same?

Fundamental tips for lavender tree care

Growing a Lavender tree is simple, and you, as a beginner, can plant it in your garden by following these tips to have a healthy and well-growing lavender tree:

It would be best to consider that outdoor and indoor lavender tree care differs.

Choosing the right variety before learning how to care for lavender trees, choosing the right type of this plant is recommended to reduce the risk of failure.

English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is the most reliable for planting and can be trained to grow as trees. This variety has long stems, making it an ideal candidate for tree-like growth.

Fundamental tips for lavender tree care

  • Sunlight & location

  1. All Lavender tree cultivars thrive in full sunlight, so you must find a spot that exposes at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. 
  2. Ensure the area has well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, which can harm the roots.
  3.  Lavender trees can tolerate various soil types, including sandy or rocky soil if it drains well.
  4. Those living in hot climates should protect their plant against intensive sunlight, especially during hot hours, since it will lead to sunburning.
  5. And if your plant is in the indoor space, it should be placed near the east or south-facing windows.
  • Soil Preparation & planting

  • Before planting your lavender tree, prepare the soil by adding organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. Lavender prefers slightly alkaline soil with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. 
  • Add lime to raise the pH level if your soil is too acidic. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball and gently place the lavender tree in the hole, ensuring it is at the same depth as in its original container. 
  • Fill the hole with soil, firm it gently, and water thoroughly.
  • Watering & moisture control

  1. While lavender trees are drought-tolerant plants, you can leave them for some days without watering. 
  2. However, it is not applied for lavenders in containers; they should be receiving regular watering. They still require regular watering during the initial stages of growth. 
  3. It is better to check the soil is moist before watering, regardless of whether your plant is on the ground or in a container.
  4. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so striking a balance is essential. Consider using a drip irrigation system or watering at the tree’s base to avoid wetting the foliage, as excess leaf moisture can promote disease.
  • Humidity & temperature

As Lavenders originate from the Mediterranean region, which has dry weather, you need to provide enough airflow in the space.

To increase airflow, you must plant Lavender away from other plants and stick to regular pruning to reduce the risk of powdery mildew and leaf spot issues.

While all types of this tee are resistant in different hardiness zones, they thrive well in areas with mild temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and about 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit during the night.

Lavender tree winter care should be noticed since they are sensitive to cold weather and frost.

Another important thing you should consider while you want to grow Lavender is placing them away from places exposed to the wind as they can cause stress for the plants.

Humidity & temperature

  • Pruning & shaping

Regular pruning is necessary to maintain the tree-like form of your Lavender because they grow fast and produce lots of shoots and branches, giving them an unpleasing look.

Remove any dead or damaged branches and shape the tree by selectively pruning back the lateral shoots to maintain an upright form.

  • Fertilization

Lavender trees generally do not require heavy fertilization. However, applying twice a balanced, slow-release fertilizer 7-9-5 for your potted Lavender during the growing seasons can promote healthy growth.

  • Pest and disease control

  1. Lavender trees are relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, it would be best to watch for any signs of disease and infection.
  2. Depending on the region you grow your Lavender, it can be affected by different fungi.

Final words

With its delectable fragrant and stunning purple flowers, the lavender tree has remained on the popular trees list fit for landscapes and gardens.

At first glance, it may sound hard to care Lavender tree, but you can make your landscape appealing with proper care.

We hope the tips provided in this article help you achieve a healthy and well-growing lavender tree.

Which type of Lavender have you chosen for your region? Why?

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