Fig Tree Not Growing: Reasons and Solutions

If your fig tree is not growing, several factors could contribute to the issue. Seeing a fig tree that doesn’t grow is frustrating, and for different reasons, such as disease, and poor sun exposure, the growth of a fig tree can be affected.

The fig tree is one of the popular plants for gardens since it does not require special maintenance and grows fast. The fig tree requires ample sunlight, fertile soil, and adequate water to reach its full potential. If your fig tree in the garden does not grow well and you want to find out reasons to avoid it, you can read this article to rescue your tree immediately.

Why my fig tree does not grow well?

Why my fig tree does not grow well?

In this section, we introduce and examine the main reasons affecting the growth of these trees. If you have also encountered this problem, stay with us.

+ 6 Reasons along with solutions about fig tree not growing well


Overwatering is the primary factor contributing to this problem. Now let’s delve into its impact on the reduced growth of these trees:

  • Overwatering can reduce growth rates due to waterlogged soil, which restricts airflow to the roots.
  • Excessive watering can cause root damage, negatively impacting root functions.
  • Impaired sources can lead to poor conditions for the plant and hinder water transfer to the leaves.
  • Instead of reducing watering, allowing the plant to combat its disease is recommended.
  • To prevent overwatering, relocate the plant to an area with less exposure to wet soil.

fig tree not growing well

effect of Low-nutrient soil on low growth of the tree

  • Fig trees require more nutrients from the ground due to their large leaves and fruits.
  • More nutrient content in the soil can result in better fig tree growth.
  • Clay or sandy soil is generally not nutrient-rich, and fig trees do not thrive in these soil types.
  • Alkaline soil can hinder the fig tree’s ability to absorb minerals from the ground.
  • Loosen the soil around the fig tree without causing damage to the roots to address nutrient deficiency.
  • Mixing fresh compost is an effective way to provide additional nutrients to the fig tree.
  • Mulching is good for low-nutrient soil. Apply mulch up to 2-3 inches deep around the tree.

Influence of Lack of Sunlight on the Growth

Another reason for not growing this tree is the need for more sunlight. If your tree is mainly in the shade, part of the garden cannot develop well, and it will lead to poor and thin branches and, as a result, makes the plant sick.

Since the leaves of this plant are wide, it needs more sunlight to absorb and produce fruit.

The only solution for this cause is replanting trees in open areas with full sunlight. To change the tree’s location, you should wait until spring, and in the dormant time of planting, relocation will cause a shock for the tree.

Why my fig tree does not grow well?

Pests & Diseases the reason for fig trees’ low growth

The following list outlines the typical pests and diseases that may impact the growth of your trees:

  • Problems such as mites, scale insects, and mealybugs can harm fig trees and impede their development. These pests weaken the tree and can cause a decline in its overall growth rate.
  • Diseases like Botrytis limb blight, caused by a fungal infection, can significantly impact the growth of fig trees. This disease thrives in wet conditions and can result in the formation of cankers on the fruits. To address Botrytis limb blight, prune the affected branches, which helps the fig tree’s recovery and growth.
  • Another common disease is Crown gall, which makes fig trees susceptible to bacterial infections due to open wounds on the tree. This disease can particularly affect young trees and lead to secondary complications.

influence of wrong fertilization on tree growth

influence of wrong fertilization on tree growth

As you know, adding fertilizer will encourage tree growth. If the plant does to receive proper fertilizer, it does not develop well. On the other hand, over-fertilizing the tree hurts the tree’s growth. Fertilize the tree with good concentration and in a reasonable amount.

The effect of fig tree pruning on the growth of a tree

By over-pruning fig trees, they fail to reach their full potential as it helps to remove dead branches and create space for air to circulate through the foliage. Pruning should b done in the right way. Otherwise, it causes problems for the trees.

You must wait to ensure the fruit gets ripe to prune the tree. Also, trees heavily pruned in the winter may not bear fruit the following year. It would be best if you also avoided pruning haphazardly.

The effect of fig tree pruning on growth of tree

Summing up of Fig Tree Not Growing

The fig tree is famous among gardeners since it grows simply and bears many tasty fruits. However, they sometimes can’t raise their trees for several reasons mentioned in this article. We hope reading this article helps you address your issue and stop your trees from growing. If you know another reason for not producing a fig tree, please share it in the comment section.


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