Are Fig Tree Roots Invasive?

Are fig tree roots invasive? Let’s explore this question to better understand the potential impact of these roots on surrounding areas. Fig tree roots are the underground structures of the fig tree that play a crucial role in its growth and survival. Fig trees are famous for homeowners and landscapers due to their attractive appearance and delicious fruit. Despite its popularity, the fig tree has potential downsides since it has invasive roots.

These tree roots spread far and horizontally, often ending up in unwanted areas such as sidewalks or even building foundations which causes significant damage to structures and costs a fortune. In this article, we will explore why the roots of this tree can be invasive and how invasive they are.

Are Fig Tree Roots Invasive?

Fig Tree Roots: How long do they grow?

These factors can help you better understand what fig trees need to grow and what conditions may limit their growth.

  • Root characteristics: Fig trees rely on their roots to absorb essential nutrients and resources from the surrounding soil. These roots can extend up to 25 feet in more giant fig trees, while smaller fig trees generally have roots that reach up to 15 feet in length.
  • Planting distance: Considering the extensive root growth, it is recommended to plant fig trees at least 25 feet away from structures. Alternatively, you can choose dwarf fig tree varieties with limited root system growth.
  • Soil requirements: Fig trees thrive in loose, rich, moist soil with mild acidity. The topsoil contains abundant nutrients and water, which explains the development of long tree roots.
  • Root function: The spreading roots of fig trees anchor the tree against wind and herbivore pressure.
  • Growth inhibitors: Factors such as cold weather, compacted soil, and insufficient water and nutrients can inhibit the growth of fig trees. Fig tree growth may be limited in suburban areas, where the soil is often compacted. Clay soil can also hinder root expansion, restricting access to essential nutrients and water.
  • Clay soil impact: Planting fig trees in clay soil can prevent root spread and impede their ability to access necessary resources. Clay soil needs to have good drainage to avoid excessive moisture retention.

Fig tree's root

Fig tree’s root: How deep do they grow?

Here are the critical points regarding the roots of these trees:

  • The origins of fig trees typically extend only a short distance into the soil. Usually, they remain within 2 feet of the soil surface, with deeper roots extending up to 3 feet.
  • The growth and development of roots are influenced by important factors such as water availability, nutrient content, and sufficient space for growth. While fig tree roots are less likely to cause damage to pipes, it is recommended to plant them in an area that allows ample room for their growth.
  • The seeds remain concentrated near the surface and do not penetrate deeper than 60 cm (2 feet) below the soil surface.

  • Vertical growth of roots can vary depending on factors like oxygen availability, water content, soil quality, and the presence of bedrock.
  • The origins of fig trees can be classified into shallow roots and deeper focusing sources that access water from deeper water tables. Shallow roots typically extend up to 2-3 feet deep. For dwarf fig tree varieties, the fig tree roots may grow to a depth of 1-2 feet, while well-developed fig trees can have roots reaching 2-3 feet deep.
  • The taproot, one of the first roots to develop, plays a significant role in determining the nutrient and water uptake of the fig tree. On average, the taproot reaches a depth of 3 feet. If the taproot is damaged, it can lead to stunted growth in the rest of the tree.
  • Due to the shallow nature of roots, some gardeners may have concerns about potential property damage caused by their extensive root system.

How to control a fig tree's root?

How to control fig tree roots?

The first method to control the growth of this tree’s roots in an invasive way is regularly cutting down the tree’s roots regulated to do before planting the fig tree. It is remarkable when you grow the fig tree in a pot. Before transplanting it into a garden, you can start running the roots. People prune branches to limit their growth, make them thinner, and weaken them, thus avoiding invasion. Another method of controlling the growth of fig trees is to prevent them from growing in a specific direction.

If you want to do this, you can plant fig trees in pots, but you must provide the plant with nutrients and water. Rather than grow fig trees roots in the garden, the plant relies heavily on what you provide. Furthermore, you can apply root barriers to restrict the growth of germs and use raised beds for plants. But the last option costs you much. With the help of these methods, you can control the growth of this tree’s root. It can be beneficial because it prevents the tree’s roots from spreading out and taking up too much space, potentially damaging other plants or structures in the garden.

How to control a fig tree's root?

Final words of fig tree’s root

However fig trees are beautiful and delicious, but tree roots can grow aggressively and damage nearby structures and plants. Gardeners and property owners must check the plant when planting and maintaining fig trees to prevent the spread of their roots. To effectively manage the invasive nature of these tree roots, one should select a suitable location for planting the tree, perform regular pruning, and use root barriers.

In this article, we attempt to answer your question about whether our fig tree roots are invasive. Reading this article will help you find your answer and have a well-developed fig tree in good hands. If you know any tips for restricting the growth of this tree’s roots, please share them with us in the comment section.


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