Features of Grow Peonies

How to Grow Peonies?

Keeping a plan in your apartment proves you are a very responsible person who can take care of his surroundings well and make your home more beautiful.


But is that going to be challenging keeping a plant on its feet? What about pretty ones like peonies? Do you know how to pay attention to them or how to grow peonies?

What are the important elements for keeping your peonies in great shape? Are those going to be different in other seasons?

Which time of the year should you expect them to bloom?

How to Grow Peonies?

What is the Peonies plant?

  • Alright, my friends, before we break into the essay’s main topic, which is how to grow peonies, let’s ask a more basic question: what are peonies themselves in the first place?
  • It is a perennial plant, which, of course, up to the 30s and 40s, there were only three types of it available: red, white, and crimson.
  • Today, the colors of peonies would no longer be limited to those three colors; you can also find thousands of them popularly in different colors and shapes.
  • It is also considered a specific, meaningful sign in different cultures; maybe with simple research, you can find out what it is the symbol of in your homeland!
  • What they admire the most is the cool environment and climate, which would finally blossom magnificently.

What is the Peonies plant?

When is the Peonies’ blooming time?

  • One of the most amazing things about growing the peonies plants is their blooming and the best time for that; now, we have already referred to the cold weather, but what else?
  • Now, two things can play the most important role here: the first one is the climate of where you live, and the second parameter is the variety of the peonies you are trying to grow.
  • But generally speaking, the peonies start this process somewhere from the beginning of the spring until the end of the summer, which is partly a long, remarkable time.
  • The peonies relish the cold winter because their bud formation process needs chilling.

When is the Peonies' blooming time?

How many species do peonies have?

As you know, peonies are not a new flower, so that is enough to know a wide variety of them has been coming out so far, but what are the species of peony plants?

There are six kinds: anemone, single, Japanese, semi-double, double, and bomb! Now, deciding which one of them you want to grow is on you.

To continue to be with us to be familiar with 2 types of peonies:

Tree peoniesHow to grow tree peonies? Well, you need patience; they would not grow so fast, and when they did, they barely go any taller than 3 to 5 feet, but with blue and green leaves!

How many species do peonies have?


As it turns out, they need at least a few years to spend in your garden, so finally, they reach their full potential, but once it does, you would know it is worth waiting that long.

They are not usually very accessible, but if you plan to buy some of them, you can find them in the shops, where they are categorized merely by their colors, which are white, purple, red, pink, and yellow.

It is recommended to go for these options if you are a patient person because, after a few years, these tiny ones reach the age of blooming, which is genuinely expensive.

  • Itoh peonies

  1. The Itoh peonies are a dependent category combined with herbaceous and tree peonies! They would behave in the winter like herbaceous, sleeping and resting.
  2. If you are wondering how to grow Itoh peonies, you should know that the foliage is easily noticeable, just like a tree peony.
  3. In the blooming time, for six weeks, just when the new buds are opening and getting replaced with the faded blooms, it is breathtaking.

What is a method of Pruning peonies?

When it comes to pruning the peonies flowers, you do not need to worry about that too much because it does not need much pruning so far, which is great news.

However, note that pruning matters in the case of growing peonies greatly; prune it after blooming, cut dead stems, and trim branches to maintain the shape of the peony flower.

What is a method of Pruning peonies?

Where to plant peonies?

  1. The peonies would last all the summertime, and finally, in the fall, they start losing their color from green to red and gold, but do not even assume it makes them less beautiful.
  2. They are not too fussy, but you need to pick the place wisely since disturbance can easily cause them, which creates a new problem in the transplant process.
  3. Knowing where you will plant your peonies is a big part of how to grow peonies because it will be its location for years and has a major impact on it as time passes.
  4. They love sunlight, so you should find a place where they are exposed to sunshiny light for at least 6 to 8 hours a day for their successful blooming.
  5. It does not mean they fail to bloom; in some cases, they can even get along with half-day exposure to the sun. In that case, you cannot expect the best result, so look for the sunniest place in your room.
  6. Watch out for the heavy winds; they can seriously damage your plant. Also, please do not plant it close to other trees or shrubs.
  7. The reason is that they prefer to avoid competing with other plants to receive more nutrition, humidity, light, and any other crucial elements for growing.
  8. Please choose the right soil. The PH should be neutralized, and it needs to be fertilized well to ensure everything is fine.

Where to plant peonies?

When to plant peonies?     

  • The peonies need some care so they can plant properly and establish themselves; however, note that they do not respond to the transplant so well in most cases, so plant them in a suitable place.
  • When to plant peonies for better growth? Well, planting it in the fall is highly recommended, especially the latest October and September can be the best times for planting your peonies.
  • If you need to move the mature plant, fall is the best time because they went dormant, and your lovely peonies will receive no damage.
  • Note that the peonies you are trying to grow should be stabilized approximately 6 weeks before the ground freezes, which is important.
  • Of course, it is alright if you choose spring as the time you would want to plant your peonies, but here is what you need to know.
  • According to the majority of experts community, the peonies planted in the springtime lag about a year behind those planted in the fall.

When to plant peonies?   

How to plant peonies?

  1. If you ever bought seeds of peonies, you must have known that they are sold as bare-root tubers with 3 to 5 buds, and 3 or 4-year-old divisions.
  2. It is highly recommended to leave a space of about 3 to 4 feet among them to ensure the air stream is properly moving through them.
  3. Otherwise, they cannot reach out for fresh air, which is all they need to get sick and humid, which is not the best way to plant peonies flowers.
  4. Consider 2 feet depth and 2 feet width in very well-fertilized soil under direct sun exposure to provide the best condition for your young peonies to grow and blossom well.
  5. Remember, the soil matters so much; if it is not nutritious enough, you might want to add some compost, or in a harder condition, you may need to change it, so make sure it is what you need.
  6. Plant the roots the way the buds are toward the upside, and do not put them in very deep soil; if you live in south lands, 1 to 2 inches depth is enough, do not dig further.
  7. Now, gently feel the hole with the reach soil. Remember, you need to water it at the beginning while planting it regularly, and sunlight needs to be found there easily.

How to plant peonies?

Tips to taking care of peonies

Like young children, young peonies take remarkable time to grow, so that is the first thing you need to know about how to take care of and grow peonies.

Unlike most perennials, they do not need dogging and dividing every few years, which is a positive exception and makes your responsibility of taking care of peonies way easier.

Remember, it is not the best option you can go for, in case it is your first experience taking care of an indoor plant, so make sure you are the right person to handle it.

  1. Light

Light is important in many aspects; for example, it can remarkably prevent fungal diseases and would blossom way more impressive in quality and quantity.


You need to set the light in the peonies’ growth, putting it under the sun for at least 6 hours, and after that, in case the weather is too hot, you might slightly drag it to shadow.

So, note that light is very important when taking care of the peonies; by receiving enough light, it would be less likely to get sick and grow better.

  1. Soil

Find a corner in your garden empty of any other opponent who would want to start a competition for absorbing goods from the soil; peonies are not so competitive, my friends!

Try to choose somewhere away from humidity, with well-nourished soil to support your young plant in the best way possible; remember, the PH is also important; provide the soil with a neutral PH or a little acidic.

The soil in growing peony flowers is considered one of the most important elements, so it is worth saying again to use compost and fertilizer to boost your soil and help your plant.

For every rhizome, dig a zone 1/12–2 ft in very smashed and soft soil; there is no way for your peonies to move through the hard soil easily.

Make a combination of chopped leaves and other organic matter, then add about a cup of superphosphates so you would be sure of your soil.

  1. Water

Water is always the trickiest factor in every plant watching; note that too much watering would ruin the plants more than dry soil due to the need for more information.

Depending on how long it’s been since you planted your peony flower, you need to water it in different quantities; the young peonies require more water than the older ones.

Once it has strong and healthy roots, its need for water decreases, so you must find out whether your plant fills in the young or mature category of peonies.

Watering is the art of growing peonies; however, the average is every 10 days, and a deep and full watering might be enough for the beginning.

  1. Temperature & humidity

Note that the peonies need a period of cold weather to induce dormancy, so try not to be afraid of putting it out in the winter; it is what it needs for blooming.

In addition, humidity is also important in how to grow your peonies; you should consider the least humidity for your plant, then you can expect the best blooming.

Long summers and hot weather are two of the best conditions you can provide for your indoor plant, so if you want a great blooming, keep it in mind.

  1. Fertilizer 

  • Here is the rule: if peonies get fertilized twice annually, they have to bloom every year right after their first season, meaning fertilizer in peonies’ growth matters.
  • Note that all the fertilizers are suitable for your plants; boost your peonies with a low-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 5-10-10, which is one of the best for successful fertilizing.
  • You also need to keep an eye on the quantity of the fertilizer as well; it means too much fertilizer does not necessarily mean too much growth!
  • Half of the cup is enough at the beginning of spring for mature plants, which would decrease up to a quarter of a cup for younger peonies.

You can also repeat it in the fall or use compost and other organic materials if necessary.

Why are there ants on the peonies? Is that bad?

Are ants going to damage your peonies? Many people wonder why there are so many ants all over their plants; a short answer would be they are grading your plant!

Ants in peonies’ growth are useful since they eat peonies’ nectar in return for attacking bud-eating pests. Also, they are getting on the flower buds and their sugary surface.

So, try not to keep them away from your peony since they both need each other.

Common plant diseases & problems

Botrytis is a fungal that can inanely impact the growth of the peony flower, so you need to watch for it. It is most common in spring or other rainy days when the peony does not have enough time to dry.

Animals are another problem you have to deal with; setting a fence around them can keep the rabbits away from eating the wood of the peonies during winter.

  • Curling Leaves

This symptom says watering is incorrect; it can also happen due to insect infestation, so inspect the problem and try to solve it.


In some other cases, strong winds can also make it happen; remember, a gentle stream of air is necessary, but there is no need for harsh winds.

  • Leaves Turning Brown

It is a serious sign you must pay attention to; it can happen due to fungal disease!

Now, if you do not cure it in the first place, it will go deeper than the leaves and turn into a blight.

You can use a fungicide spray immediately after seeing it happen, or to be more careful, you can do it at the beginning of the spring.

Final words

According to researchers, having an indoor plant, growing it, and maybe sometimes even talking to it can significantly decrease the individual’s pressure and stress!

Have you ever tried to have one? What is the best way to grow peonies from your point of view? What makes you think peonies are your best option in the first place?

In case you are going to get some seeds and start planting them, which color would look better on your house and the design of your room? What about the color of potting?

Feel free to share your ideas and experiences about how to grow peonies.

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