Features of Calathea Plant Have Light Brown Spots in the Center?

Why Does My Calathea Plant Have Light Brown Spots in the Center?

Known for its eye-catching leaves and vivid designs, the Calathea is a favorite among garden enthusiasts.

You should be worried about the well-being of your plant if you see light brown stains in the middle of Calathea leaves.

These imperfections may point to more severe problems that need medical treatment. This article will examine practical ways for addressing and preventing the common problem of light brown spots on the core of Calathea leaves and investigate the various sources of this problem.

To keep your Calathea plant looking beautiful and healthy, knowing what it requires is essential. So, if you are ready, let’s discover why my Calathea plant has light brown spots in the center.

What are the reasons & solutions for Calathea plant light brown spots in the center?

  1. The beautiful and colorful leaves of calathea plants can be a bit of a struggle for plant lovers when they periodically acquire pale brown stains in the middle of the leaves. 
  2. These patches make the plant seem less attractive and may also be signs of more severe problems that need fixing. 

What are the reasons & solutions for Calathea plant light brown spots in the center?

If you want your Calathea to be healthy and vibrant, you need to find out what’s causing brown patches on the Calathea plant and then troubleshoot the problem that we will explain to continue:

  1. Watering

The leaves of calathea plants may get stressed and discolored from being watered too much or too little. A regular watering schedule that includes waiting for the top inch of soil to dry before watering is the solution for preventing brown spots on Calathea.

  1. Humidity

Calathea Center discoloration is a lack of humidity, which is particularly common in dry indoor settings. The solution is to use a humidifier, set up a tray of water nearby, or cluster plants together to raise the relative humidity.

  1. Light

Brown patches may appear on Calathea leaves caused by scorching in direct sunshine. Put the plant somewhere. It will get enough indirect light. To avoid damaging the leaves, keep them out of the direct sunlight.


  1. Temperatures

The plant may experience stress from sudden changes in temperature or drafts, which may cause brown spots on the Calathea plant. The solution is to keep the plant at a constant temperature and shield it from cold air currents. Please keep it away from any space heaters or air conditioners.

  1. Nutrients

The dark blotches on the leaves of a Calathea plant result from a lack of nutrients, especially nitrogen. The plant should be fertilized with a balanced, watered-down fertilizer while growing to solve nutritional shortages.


  1. Unwanted Entities

For the simple reason that pests like aphids and spider mites may cause brown stains on foliage. Keep an eye out for problems by checking the plant often. If pests are found, use insecticidal soap or neem oil.

  1. Condition of the Water Supply

The problem might be due to the water’s poor quality, which could include too many chemicals or salts. To prevent soil mineralization, use water that has been filtered or distilled.

  1. Rotting Roots

Brown patches on Calathea plants can be a sign of root rot, which can happen if the soil is too wet or doesn’t drain well. Ensure the soil drains effectively and change how you water the plant so it doesn’t become soggy.

  1. Aging Naturally

This is because brown patches naturally appear on aged Calathea leaves. To promote new growth, routinely remove old, discolored leaves.

To reduce the appearance of light brown spots on the leaves of your Calathea plant, it is essential to identify and address these probable variables that might be affecting its health—a healthy and happy Calathea results from consistent observation and attentive treatment.

What are the extra critical tips about Calathea plant light brown spots in the center?

Additional important advice for dealing with and avoiding light brown stains in the middle of Calathea leaves is as follows:

  • Watering Control

Although calatheas thrive in regularly damp soil, they aren’t fans of sitting in standing water. Consider adopting a soil mix that drains effectively and modifying the watering frequency according to your plant’s demands.

  • Make use of Purified Water

You may prevent mineral deposits in the soil by using distilled water or rainfall if the mineral content of your tap water is high. This aids in avoiding problems that may arise from low-quality water.

Make use of Purified Water

  • Plant Classification

Gather your Calathea plants in a cluster or put them near one another. You may improve your Calathea’s health by grouping plants, producing a microclimate with more humidity.

  • Climate & Air Movement

Climates of 65–75°F (18–24°C) are ideal for calatheas. Keep them from being exposed to drafts or unexpected fluctuations in temperature. The plant may experience stress and brown patches if the humidity around it is disturbed by currents.

  • Turn Over the Plants

To make sure your Calathea gets light on all sides, turn it every so often. This encourages uniform development and lessens the chances of brown patches appearing on one side.

  • Do not use chemicals

Do not apply any leaf shine treatments that include chemicals on your Calathea. The plant’s capacity to breathe may be compromised if these substances block its pores (stomata), which might cause problems with its leaves.

  • Regularly, Dust

To eliminate dust, gently clean the leaves with a moist, delicate cloth. A decrease in the plant’s light absorption capacity and possible yellowing of leaves might result from dust collection.

  • Establish a Plant Quarantine

It is recommended to quarantine newly added plants to your collection for a few weeks to guarantee they are pest-free. Doing so protects your present Calathea from any insect infestations.

  • Be patient as you heal

Be patient as your plant recovers after you’ve dealt with the problems that caused the brown patches. It can be a while before the damaged leaves are replaced by fresh, healthy growth.

  • Paying Attention to the Periphery of The Leaf

  • Look closely at the leaf margins. They may be an early warning sign of environmental problems that might cause brown stains if they begin to curl or show indications of stress.
  • These additional measures can be added to your Calathea care routine to improve your plants’ habitat, which will reduce the likelihood of light brown spots and ensure their general health.

The final words

Finally, environmental variables and watering methods are only two of many potential causes of light brown patches in the middle of Calathea leaves.

It is vital to identify and solve these difficulties to restore the plant’s health and keep its stunning beauty.

Gardeners can improve conditions for their Calathea by taking a more comprehensive strategy that involves changing how often they water, how much humidity they add, what kind of lighting they use, and how they deal with nutritional shortages.

Regular monitoring, quick action, and a dash of patience are essential to keep these fascinating plants alive and well and offer their caregivers happiness.

Now, our dear friend, can you tell us about your experiences with the Calathea plant that has light brown spots in the center if you have?

Also, in the comment section, mention which one of the solutions was practical for you.

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